




moon phase
dave in the box

Sponsorship? OK.


Io Astronomy was launched by HantsAstro's founder Dave Woods in March 2013.

As an extention of his work with the group this new venture provides the next level of astronomy equipment not only HantsAstro members but the also the wider astronomical community. As an advanced iOptron dealer Io Astronomy offers full support for all products.

To visit the store please go to www.ioastronomy.com

More information can be found in Look Up!, where there are more details on our plans and progress. Registration is free (and easy...)To join HantsAstro, just download our simple PDF membership application form, save it to your PC, fill in the form on-screen, save and e-mail it back to membership@hantsastro.org. Or print it off, write and pop it in the post.
The choice is yours.

Why not join HantsAstro today?

The form requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or above, download for free.

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