There are lots of sources for reviews on the web. Some good, some not so much. The difference with HantsAstro, is that we have a wide rainge of scopes we use, and the added benefit to access of one of the largest UK telescope retailers, with a local showroom in Clanfield: Io Astronomy
Below is just a sample of some of the equipment we use which is not exhaustive, with links to our reviews where applicable.
HantsAstro rolling equipment list 2015:
1. Vixen A70lf - 70mm Refractor
2. William Optics Megrez 72FD Apo Refractor
3. Meade DS 2090 90mm Refractor
4. Celestron Explorascope 100 tabletop Dobsonian
5. Skywatcher SkyMax 102 - Maksutov
6. Skywatcher Explorer 130/900 - 130mm Reflector
7. Skywatcher Explorer 150P -150mm Reflector/EQ3-2
8. Optrons 150/1400 - 150mm Reflector
9. Altair Astro Sabre Mount on Berlebach Tripod
10. Revelation 10 - 250mm Dobsonian
11. Altair Astro 8" f4 Imaging Telescope
12. iOptron Minitower II
13. iOptron CubePro
14. Sky-Watcher 100ED APO Refractor
15. Starwave 70ED f6
APO Refractor
William Optics Megrez 72FD Apo Refractor - Look Up! June 2008
Celestron 80ED Refractor & CG-5 Mount - Look Up! July 2008
William Optics Megrez 90 Apo Refractor - Look Up! August 2008
William Optics (shhhh.... top secret!!!) - Look Up! September 2008
Celestron Explorascope 100 - a plastic mini-Dobsonian - fantastic! - Due on website
Skywatcher SkyMax 102T Maksutov - Look Up! October 2008
Meade LXD75 6'" Newtonian with GoTo Mount - Look Up! September 2008
(hyper-tuning planned later this year... extra story there!)
Meade DSI CCD Camera+ Autostar Suite - Due on web site
eBay- 150mm Newtonian Reflector review - Due on website
Lidl Bresser 10x50 BAK4 binoculars - a steal at under a tenner - Due on website
Revelation 15x70 binoculars - big bins for under £70 & compared to the A70lf
Orion 20x100 GiantView binoculars - better than a small 'scope - in Binoculars Section
Vixen Lanthanum Eyepieces - Due on website
Best bit is... we own this stuff. So our reviews are real, unpolished and long term; quite unlike anything else that exists on the web. It's also less techy. The stuff we don't own is for comparison, so you can make a better, more informed decision.
Does it work? Is it good value and will it last? are the three most asked questions. But there is one that is a bit rarer, how often will I use it? Long Term reviews will answer that.
Only then will you know if it was worth buying. We should know. We have spent a small fortune so you don't have to. Ownership is sometimes the only way to find and understand the answers.
It's all part of the experience.